
Sunday, December 4, 2011


I should really be asleep, but I just had to post this. I know I promised a NaNo post, but this is urgent - I HAVE FINALLY WATCHED WICKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I found it in the early days of NaNo on Youtube and promised myself I'd finish my novel if I could let myself watch it at the end - that sentence probably didn't make much sense but you get the general gist.


-It is amazing, ridiculously amazing, and I owe the person who put it up a million dollars

-It is better than I ever dreamed, too, I knew the story from start to finish and yet I was constantly surprised by random things

-It was definitely worth writing a novel for!

More in depth post next time. Night crickets!

Friday, December 2, 2011

A Post about NaNoWriMo

Yeah, this'll be a pretty biggish one, which all of my faithful readers ( - looks tenderly at crickets - ) will be happy about after I didn't post for seven bajillion years!

Well. For once in my life, I had a valid-ish excuse (it is not valid according to anyone on Earth except fellow WriMoers, but because shut up that's why.) I have been doing NaNoWriMo for the past month.. and I..

- takes deep breath -



For those of you who don't know what this means, please get out of a hole and discover Nerd Culture. Or, um, climb into a hole I guess. Yeah, I don't even know. ANYWAY!

NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month and it is the best, the most fun, exhilarating, crazy time of your life, I promise you. It is also the worst. But it's wonderful.

Sadly, it is over now so I guess I should've told all ya crickets about it in October, but oh the heck well. For more info, go on, but the general gist of it is that it's writing 50k words worth of a novel in a month. Thirty days to be exact, the month of November to be, um, super exact. (Super exaction is good.) Your novel doesn't have to be perfect. It's not supposed to be perfect. Heck, it's not supposed to be good. You're not supposed to backspace, for the love of pete. It's not even going to be that coherent in pieces, but it is literally the best thing you will ever do.


Anyhow, I finished - 50k and a little in a month, and I even managed to string a coherent story together! And, not to toot my own horn, but the people who have read it said it was kinda good. So yeah, great boost for the ole self esteem there.

Need more convincing to join this year? FEAST YOUR EYES ON THIS LIST!!

1) It's fun. Yeah, that's number one because that's all it is. The parties and write-ins at your local library is just the beginning - the forums are the middle, I guess, because the forums are really, really awesome. You will meet such lovely people there. The one a.m writing wars are wonderful - imagine writing in a frenzy, letting everything except the words in your story melt around you, and not caring because everything is just so wonderful, at one a.m! Just imagine it!

2) You meet neat people. I mean at the real-life events; you meet really fabulous people at your write-ins and Kick-Off parties and Thank-Goodness-It's-Over parties! My TGIO is tomorrow, by the way - so excitedly.

3) You learn the meaning of making every minute count. In NaNo, a good day is coming home and procastinating for seven hours, then maybe squeezing in a half hour of writing. In the last few days of NaNo, a mediocre day is coming home, writing, racing through your homework, writing, doing that weird thing humans do sometimes called 'eating', and writing until you mysteriously find yourself without consciousness ('sleep' I hear it is called.) You don't understand how this a pro until you do it. This makes NaNo sound like some scary, awesome exclusive club! YET ANOTHER REASON TO JOIN. YOU WILL BE AWESOME.

4) You will be awesome. In other words, bragging rights. Tell everyone and their Aunt Mildred you're writing a novel, spatoof something out, and boom, instant credibility. Thus introducing the comeback "Oh, yeah?! I don't see you dashing off novels, do you?!"

5) HUGGEEE boost of self esteem. I have never felt anything like I have the night of November 30th, when I had finished my novel. It was better than falling asleep to the rain, better than waking up on a snow day, better than reading a Harry Potter book. Well, maybe not, but it was ridiculously close. And then when someone likes your novel you try not to show it and be suave but, well I'm me. So yeah, maybe it's just me, but it's just.. lovely.

And there ya have it! Why NaNoWriMo will change your life around.


Next up is another NaNo post, a sort of blogging through it with an overview thing. I would combine it, but it's pretty late and I have a bazillion Harry Potter fanfictions to update. So go out there and start planning your novel, because next November is pretty soon!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Musical Wicked

I want to see this musical so much. It really sounds gorgeous, in all sense of the word. As in, it sounds pretty, like all the dancing, and the costumes are supposedly absolutely fantastic, and all that.

In the other sense - the songs are absolutely amazing.

I know of the book by Gregory Maguire - haven't read it yet, but I plan on it. I listen to the songs all the time. My personal favorites: the ones you absolutely must watch -

Defying Gravity.
I'm Not That Girl
What Is This Feeling (<-- British version)
Dancing Through Life

In the What is this Feeling I linked, I feel SO sorry for Elphaba when everyone gangs up on her and she's just like "Okay, do not kill them, do not kill them."

I really hope I get to see this soon. Even if I don't, I do like listening to the songs. Really, everyone should.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Random Mind Spewage

HI EVERYBODY! Well it's been several forevers since I've posted on this thing but oh well here I am and better late than never, y'know? OR IS IT?!

NOT WHEN IT COMES TO ALIENS. Because when the aliens come and take over humanity, and then the sharks come and take over alieniety, and then the MUTANT sharks come and take over sharkity, then the phrase "better late than never" will become "better clocks than rocks" and then we'll see. THEN WE WILL SEE.

We totally won't see. Because, um the aliens will have taken us over like fifty years ago WEREN'T YOU LISTENING.

Anyway so this post doesn't really have a point except, you know? OH AND OH MY GOSH A VERY WONDERFUL PERSON COMMENTED AND I DEDICATE THIS POST AND A MILLION DIAMONDS TO YOU, THINKELLEN. Even though I don't have a million diamonds. But it was very kind of you to comment on my last post because FOR A WHILE I thought no one even read this. BUT PEOPLE DO. And then I was happy for fourteen years. FOURTEEN YEARS. That's fifty years in mutant shark.

So technically the sentence a couple lines up should read "Because, um the aliens will have taken us over like fourteen years ago WEREN'T YOU LISTENING.' But why quibble?

Anyway. I love cats! I love them a real whole lot. I love a lot of things, such as:

-Clint Eastwood
-My house
-Pictures drawn by Auntie Sparknotes, Jon Skindizier, and Dan Bergstein
-Sparknotes in general
-Harry Potter
-Anyone who is not Cedric Diggory
-Vanessa Carlton
-Two cats
-Baby lions (when they're not trying to claw my eyes out)
-Baby wolves (when they're not trying to claw my nose off)
-Babies (when they're not trying to claw my face off)
-My friends except the ones I hate
-Lack of poverty and racism
-Long lists that have no real meaning
-Air conditioning
-Harry Potter again
-Lack of headaches
-Really gorgeous pens
-Uglies, by Scott Westerfeld
-The Luxe, by Anna Godberson
-James Potter
-The name Lily Potter
-Sirius Black

I do love tea. I take it with six sugars and two splashes of milk and it makes me so happy. Even on hot days.

I also have an appreciation for Uglies. I have only read the first one so far but I'm planning on getting the rest. If you haven't read it, you should. It's basically about, like, a million years in the future and these people are all really ugly except they're not, they're basically normal and then they get this surgery and oh forget it JUST READ THE BOOK. I am not very good at summaries, by the way. Did you notice?

Another good book is A Midsummer's Night Dream. Well it's a play and it's Shakespeare but once you get into the rhythm of it it's actually funny, and really spectacular how they're all fairies. There was this one really good scene where the king and queen fairy are angry at each other and the king was basically saying "Why are you here" and the queen was all "You suck and everything is your fault." It was oddly humorous. I haven't finished it but I'm almost there. I love Puck; he reminds me a spot of Peeves. Or Fred Weasley.

I also like the word "mat". It's such a good word, I could say it all day. Mat, mat, mat, mat.

Anyway it's getting late and this isn't getting any more coherent, so I'm off. Till next post!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Things That Are Not Good At All


Oh my God, I HATE doors. I despise them and loathe them and I just spelled despise despite and I JUST DID IT AGAIN and do you know why? Because of doors! They're absolutely, completely, utterly terrible.


That's a photograph of a door. Honest.

Itchy Pillows

Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE pillows. Love them with all my soul. In fact when I go to sleep I just hug that pillow so darn hard and I think in my brain, whoever invented pillows deserves a medal.

I don't know why the medal is square. Paint sometimes does not cooperate.

But anyways, sometimes I come across a pillow that's just itchy. And it's like, urrrgh this is the epitome of badness! WHY ARE YOU ITCHY PILLOW WHY?! And then I can't sleep and I'm mad at the world in the morning and I go yell at doors.

Cedric Diggory.

Aaaaarrghhh I hate him. He's a stupid useless pretty boy (quote Harry) and he is just terrible. Plus stupid Twilight fan girls think he was Edward first and I'm like ".............No."



Don't even get me started. Dancing is really, really scary, you guys. It's like..people are moving. In irrational fashions that are not rational at all. The only direction people should move is up, or straight, or occasionally backward. Never, like, AHUTGBFJDNH!!! That's the direction people move in when they dance. Honest. But don't Google it because Google doesn't want you to know the truth.


I've said this already, right? I'll say it again. I. Hate. Twilight. I read the first book, and I know exactly what happens in the next three (courtesy of Dan Bergstein) and it's awful. In fact I could make a whole blog post about it, and I probably will, but let's just have the highlights now:
Baby daters.
The fact that people think it's better than Harry Potter.
The fact that when Bella dates Edward no one protests even though he's like, scary, dude.
The little screaming fan girls.
Moving on.


Also known as Ke$ha. I dunno, there's nothing wrong with her, I'm sure she's a very nice lady and doesn't kick babies, but I don't like her music. I don't really like any modern music. Also dollar signs should not interfere with the alphabet in my opinion.

People who read blogs and do not leave comments.
Hint, hint..

Well that's all for today. I apologize for the slight belligerence but it's hot and I have eighty five billion tests coming up. So Imma go study for them. BYE.

Monday, May 23, 2011


So yeah the title of this post has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ACTUAL POST.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Evil Movies of DOOOOOM

HI person who is not reading this. Did you watch Pirates of the Carribbean Carribean oh wait I think it is Carribean? NO NEVER MIND. TO SPELL CHECK! Okay Carribbean. NO THAT'S NOT IT. Caribbean? Yes. See how epic I am, guys?

Um. My point..

oh yeah. The fourth one, On Weirdo's Tides or whatever. Well if you haven't, I'm gonna help you out here. DON'T. Just..please. It wasn't a nice movie. I did not like it. Maybe some people will but I won't and I'm significantly more amazing than human beings so YEAH. It was Which I guess is hypocritical, as it's coming from me. But it wasn't Harry Potter-obsessing-just-plain-weird-weird. It was bad-weird. Yeah. Bad like the bad that was the first guy who went "Hey, you know what would be fun? Math, that's what!" THAT BAD. Okay maybe not that bad. But very close. Very very close.

Because I'm slightly obsessed with Paint, here is a drawing for all of you of a random civilian watching Pirates of the Caribbean.


Why does normal civilian have blue hair and orange eyes? That's just weird. No offense to any of you blue-haired, orange-eyed people, it's just that you don't generally see  blue-haired, orange-eyed stick figures. I'm not discriminating. REALLY.

But I think I'll sleep now. Yeah. Bye.